The Power to Empower

One of our proudest qualities as a nonprofit is that every penny given to a project or cause goes directly to that project. Every nickel, quarter, and dime goes straight to the poor. It is what sets us apart from other organizations across the world. However, we cannot make that claim without our sponsors, which cover our overhead costs. We at King’s Ransom are looking to expand our reach, which means doing more work and also reaching more people. We want to touch as many lives as possible, but we cannot do that without your help.
From marketing to doing service opportunities to growing our reach within our own community, our corporate sponsors empower us to do more and reach farther. But now, the power to do more is in your hands. Not only will you be the reason we are able to keep our commitment of allowing 100% of everything given to go straight to the poor, but you will also empower us to do more.

Now, we are enabling you, as an individual, to help us in expanding our reach. Do you want to see more lives impacted? Do you want to help us increase our reach through marketing? Do you want to invest in a future where our donors will be able to go and do hands-on things? If these are things you want to help us do, then your consideration in giving to our corporate fund is much appreciated. It is because of you that we are confident in our future as an organization. We cannot wait to see what the future holds!
If you have a business, there might be some unique and awesome opportunities for you to partner with us. We have a long list of benefits that come with becoming a partner, depending on how much you and your business are willing to give. If you are curious to know about what these opportunities might look like, please take a look at our brochure.
KRF Corporate Sponsorship Brochure

Please feel free to contact us for more information. Your generosity will empower us to change lives. The more we can invest in marketing, tools and resources, and other necessary things, the greater the impact we can have on these precious lives. We want to spread the news of the good work we are doing and let businesses be a part of something incredible, which is changing lives! The cry of the poor rings loudly, but many turn a deaf ear. But you won’t. You hear the cry and choose to do something about it.

To all our current partners, thank you for choosing to help us in extending our arms out to embrace the broken and neglected communities of this world. Your generous gift to our corporate fund helps us stretch out and touch lives that would’ve never received the transforming power of love had you chosen to turn a blind eye, but you see clearly the needs of the poor. You are an advocate for the poor! To all our future partners, we look forward to locking arms and changing the world with you. The needs of the poor are calling, and we are excited for all those who will answer. Thank you for empowering us to change lives.
Rescue Impact Report
Feeding Impact Report