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Help Us Provide A New Future To A Single Mom Raising Her Kids In A Garbage Dump
When we found Antonia, she was living in a shack in a garbage dump in Nicaragua.

But you can't even call it a shack.

Walls made of worn out plastic tarps. A mud floor. A cardboard ceiling struggling to keep out the tropical rains.

Antonia and her three children sleep on what's left of a mattress - just exposed springs with a blanket over them. It's not a bed, but it keeps them off the ground, where the snakes, bugs, and scorpions creep at night.

Antonia doesn't have parents or relations to help her. She has no husband. The government is starving their people into submission. There are no social programs. The churches are basically helpless to fight poverty.

Foraging for food and clothes in the sweltering, rancid garbage dump of Nicaragua!

That's not living. It's surviving.

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