Honduras is a place drowning in poverty. Over 30% of the population suffers from severe poverty which includes food insecurity and improper housing, meaning they are living in houses made from trash and the limbs of trees. They often have unclean water, using the nearest source of water to wash their clothes, cook the food they happen to find, and drink water. We couldn’t just hear what was happening and do nothing.

So, during 2023, we traveled twice down to Honduras to see for ourselves what was happening to understand better what was happening. We saw and touched people barely finding ways to eat and survive. Their homes were riddled with holes that barely provided enough cover from the rain and their floors were nothing but dirt and packed mud. Their beds were old with unsanitary mattresses and their blankets were soiled with mildew, filled with tears, and dirty beyond belief. We saw suffering and poverty on an inhumane level. These people are often overlooked and unseen.
They live often by the rivers or the coast to try and be close to some water source. However, flooding occurs frequently, creating a dangerous hazard for these people who already faced enough challenges as it was. In many cases, the floods take everything. Their homes get washed away along with their belongings, even taking chunks of the land they lived on and creating an uneven surface that they must work to level out again to even rebuild something remotely resembling the shack they had before. The tears that would fall from the eyes of these people as they told the stories of losing little ones in these flooding waters that on a good day would rise to their chest and on bad days could be even deeper were real and hard to ignore

After leaving that trip with donors who consider giving a must for their organization, we decided to step in and do what we could to help. We decided to bring the stories of these people to you so you could see and hear what we saw and heard. The suffering of these people is great, but it means that there is a great testimony waiting to be created.
In partnership with that same group of generous donors who have chosen to give towards building villages to alleviate poverty in Honduras, we are launching a project to help build community housing. Our goal is to raise 1 million dollars by the end of 2024. With your help, we know all things are possible. These homes will do more than you can imagine. These community homes provide pride and humanity to these people. It gives them a place to raise their children in a safe environment, protected from the elements. It provides a community to live within, where the people can work together to create opportunities for each other. They all combine their talents and abilities to create income-producing activities that will enable them to live sustainably, never returning to poverty again.
It also prevents human trafficking, a sad but frequent occurrence that happens within the nation of Honduras, where kids are taken from their parents and entered into the trafficking industry, which means we are preventing another child from becoming a slave.

Community housing does all this and more. So, if you want to be a part of something special and transformational, consider joining us in the endeavor as we seek to transform the lives of thousands of people forever, impacting future generations and leaving a lasting change for the people of Honduras. Help us be a beacon of hope for those who need it; an example of what it looks like to rise out of poverty and into opportunity.
For those who choose to give, remember that 100% of what you give goes to the poor. Every penny, nickel, and dime will go to the cause of building homes in Honduras. It is our commitment to you. Be a part of something great. Give Hope to Honduras today and consider donating to this cause. Thank you for being an advocate for the poor.