All over the world, we sponsor and support orphanages. Three of our biggest orphanages are seeing tough times as a result of rising costs and expenses. In Belize, Kenya, and India in particular, we need your help to ensure that these precious children continue to receive the care they need. Kings Ransom Foundation is proud to partner with Citrus Connect Recruitment based in eth UK. They have committed to supporting our work with these orphanages.
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Over the course of time, we have been able to support many orphanages all around the world, helping provide a future for children who would otherwise be left to live a life of struggle and poverty. With your help, we have given education, food, and sustainability to thousands of orphans. Recently, we have seen major increases in the price of goods due to inflation and supply chain issues. This has created problems for some of the orphanages we work closest with.
We need your help to curb the effects of these rising costs. When you give to an orphanage, you are making an investment. You are investing in the future of children who would have no opportunities without your choosing to give. Your generosity legitimately transforms generations. You put food in the mouths of orphans, give them the opportunity to receive an education that can pave a path of opportunity for themselves, and you keep them in an environment where they can grow and learn; safe, protected, and loved by people who care for their wellbeing. You provide a future and hope. Kings Ransom Foundation is proud to partner with Citrus Connect Recruitment based in eth UK. They have committed to supporting our work with these orphanages. Help them reach their goals and transform the lives of orphans.
Should these children have the opportunity to one day become fathers and mothers, you are giving them the opportunity to earn and understand how to become sustainable and also teach their children how to be sustainable as well. By giving to and helping an orphan, you end the cycle of poverty.
So, thank you for choosing to serve orphans. Thank you for making an impact on the lives of these precious children. The work we do wouldn’t be possible without your continuous support. You change lives and build foundations for those who would have none. We are grateful for all you have given and looking forward to seeing more lives changed as a result of your choosing to give today.