In places like Thailand and Cambodia, parents are making money by pimping out their children to tourists for sex. The sex trade in Southeast Asia is incredibly profitable. Some have decided it is the only way to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families. Some are doing it to fund their drug habits. Others just want to buy a nicer home for themselves.
Brothels are filled with children because the sexual appetites of tourists have become more twisted over time. These brothels are nothing more than filthy prison cells for the girls and boys some barely old enough to walk, who are raped and violated up to twenty times a day for money. These children cry out for someone to rescue them, but for most, that rescue will never come.
It’s real slavery and it’s happening in real time, right now.
“But that’s Asia,” you say. “At least that kind of thing doesn’t happen here in the United States.”
You’re wrong.
It’s happening in every city in America right now. It might be happening in your neighborhood.
Stress in the United States is at an all-time high. People are living in a constant state of turmoil:
- COVID anxiety
- Rioting in the cities
- Job losses
- Political Angst
Depression, suicide, and domestic violence have been spiking for months. Looking for anything to relieve the pressure, some are turning to abusing their families through shouting and violence. Others are seeking relief through porn and illicit sex. Some have turned to sexually abusing their children or other’s children.
Some children are being abducted right off the street – or even your local Walmart.
Many are pimped out by their “boyfriends” — or even their parents.
Some are tricked by fake ads (or fake “friends”) on social media.
Foster kids are often trafficked by their host families or caregivers.
As long as there are buyers, there will always be people looking to make money from it. But who are the buyers?
- Professionals
- Laborers
- Truck drivers
- Ministers
- Singles
- Married couples
- Seniors
- College students
- The list goes on and on…
You wouldn’t think it could ever happen here, but it does. As our culture becomes more over-sexualized, more and more people are turning to more perverted acts to satisfy their unquenchable lusts. They prey like animals on weak and vulnerable children.
It is DISGUSTING and it has to stop now. Law enforcement is taking stronger action, but someone must care for the victims. That’s where you and I come in. In 2018, we completed a home for children who have been rescued from the sex trade here in the USA. We provided them with a safe place off the grid, where their perpetrators will never find them, post-traumatic counseling, medical care, education, and adults who genuinely care about them.
Any donation you make goes directly to the care of children who have been trafficked and in the best-case scenario, we’re even able to protect children before they’re trafficked, get them out of that situation and provide food, supplies, medicine, counseling, and anything else they need to put the pieces of their lives back together.
This is difficult work, but it is some of the most important work that we get to be a part of, and your support is what makes it possible. Please give today and be that light for another child in the darkest of places.